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How hackers/Thieves steal money from bank cards ?

Hello, Many of you always wondered How These CCs are stolen. So Today we talk about Stealing Bank cards. Lets jump into it.

This is a welcome improvement and a good sign, as society is heading towards the use of new technology, but the very same growth also proves to be dangerous as there are cyber criminals out there waiting to exploit the vulnerabilities.

Previously, there were over 3.2 million debit cards hacked which are belonged to different major banks in India. In this article, I will show you the ways hackers steal money from your Debit/Credit card..


Also known as ATM Skimming, it is an electronic method of capturing a victim's personal information used by the thieves. This is a small device that scans a debit/credit card and stores the information contained in the magnetic strip.


This is a type of phishing that hackers use to steal personal and sensitive information from victims on the internet. With this method, the website traffic is redirected where the hacker implements tools that redirect a search to a fake website.


Card Trapping

This is another method, where the card is retained inside the machine itself, where it is retained later. If the card is stuck is inside the ATM machine, make sure to call the security of the ATM or call the bank personal without getting out of it.

Card Trapping

Public Wi-Fi

Doing transaction on public Wi-Fi is dangerous, as there are ways to track and hack it. This is one of the easiest ways to steal your money.

Fake Keyboards

This is another method, where the thieves install the false keypad to the ATM Machine. When the user enters the PIN number, it automatically sends the data to the fraud. This method of capturing ATM card PINs through a false keypad is known as a ‘pin-pad overlay'.

Hidden camera

The hidden camera is another common way to track your ATM PIN number. These cameras will be fitted around the keypad in a small hole.



This is another method, where malicious software is installed either on a computer at computer center or at ATM machine that allows the hackers to access our personal information.


Phishing is a technique used to gain personal information for purposes of identity theft, using fake e-mail messages that appear to come from legitimate businesses. Once the user clicks it, sensitive information and personal details become accessible to the hackers.

Keystroke Logging

Keystroke Logging is a type of surveillance technology used to monitor and record each keystroke typed on a specific computer's keyboard. There are softwares available, which is installed on the computer allowing the fraudster to trace their keystrokes and steal passwords or credit card and Net banking details.

Breaching a company

Thieves can steal your information by breaching a company where you’ve used your credit card or a company that handles some aspect of credit card processing. Since data breaches target entire organizations, sometimes millions of consumers have their credit card information stolen, as was the case in the Equifax data breach of 2017.2

Dumpster Diving

Throwing away documents or receipts that have your full credit card number printed puts you at risk of theft. Always shred these documents before tossing them in the trash. Unfortunately, you can’t control how businesses dispose of their records. If they fail to shred records that contain credit card information, the information is at risk of being stolen.7

What Thieves Do With Your Credit Card Information? According to Hackfreaks.

If a thief gets access to your credit card information, they can profit from it in a few different ways. All of them can make life more difficult for you.

Thieves can use your credit card information to buy things over the internet. It's much easier for them to do this if they also have your billing zip code and the security code from the back of your credit card.

Thieves may also sell your credit card information on the dark web—and the more information they have, the more it's worth. For example, it may be sold for a higher price if the thief also has your name, address, date of birth, mother’s maiden name, and three-digit security code from your credit card.8

Thieves can also make legitimate-looking credit cards by programming your credit card information on a gift card or prepaid credit card. When the card is swiped, the transaction processes just like it would if you swiped your actual credit card.

How to Know If Your Credit Card Information Has Been Stolen

This kind of credit card theft can go undetected for several months. It’s not like a physical credit card that you notice is missing. You likely won’t know until you notice unauthorized charges on your credit card account.

Don’t count on your bank to catch instances of credit card theft. Your credit card issuer may call you or freeze your account if they notice purchases outside your normal spending habits, but don’t take for granted that your bank will always notify you of potential fraud.

Monitor your credit card often and immediately report fraudulent purchases, regardless of the amount. It’s not enough to read through your transactions once a month when your credit card statement comes. Once a week is better, and daily or every other day will let you spot fraudulent purchases before the thief can do too much damage to your account. Some credit cards can send real-time transaction notifications to your smartphone.

Also pay attention to news regarding hacks and data breaches. News reports will often include the name of the store affected and the date or date range the data beach occurred. If you shopped during that time period, there’s a chance your credit card information was stolen.

What to Do If Your Credit Card Information is Stolen.

It’s easy to know when your actual credit card has been stolen because your credit card is actually gone. It’s not as easy to know when your credit card information has been stolen. Often, you only notice signs that hint your credit card information has been stolen, like unauthorized purchases on your credit card.1

🔸Tip : If you think you've been a victim of identity theft of any kind, including having your credit card information stolen, then you can visit The website, which was created by the Federal Trade Commission, will walk you through the steps you need to take to report it and recover.

Review your recent credit card transactions to see if there are any you didn’t make. Note the fraudulent charges you found. Even if you didn’t find any fraudulent charges, call your credit card issuer and let them know you think your credit card information has been stolen. Let your card issuer know of any transactions on your account that you didn’t authorize.

You have protection under the Fair Credit Billing Act and the Electronic Fund Transfer Act if your credit information is stolen. You're not liable for any unauthorized charges so long as you report the loss before your credit card is used.10

You must report the transactions to your credit card issuer so they can investigate and remove them from your account.7

The credit card issuer will cancel your old credit card account, remove the fraudulent transactions from your account, and send a new credit card and a new credit card number.

Continue monitoring the transactions on your new credit card. Also shred any documents with your credit card information on them. As soon as you start using your credit card, the details are at risk of being stolen.

Keeping Your Credit Card Information Safe

If you use your credit card at all, anywhere, your information is at risk. Still, there are a number of things you can do to keep your credit card information safe. That includes using strong passwords, being cautious about where you use your credit card, always using secure websites, and avoiding storing your credit card details in your web browser.

ARTICLE SOURCES : wiki google.


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