A court has ordered Telegram to block access to pirated movies, TV shows and music following a lawsuit filed in Israel. Local anti-piracy group ZIRA complained that the messaging platform does not properly respond to takedown notices, contrary to Telegram's claims that it does. Telegram is now working with rightsholders to implement the injunction. Last November, the RIAA and MPAA nominated popular messenger app Telegram for inclusion on the USTR’s ‘notorious markets’ list, claiming that the platform doesn’t do enough to combat piracy. A month later, the EU added the service to its own ‘Counterfeit and Piracy Watch List’, noting that along with other social media platforms, Telegram “lags behind” in respect of efforts to combat piracy. This opinion is shared by Israel-based anti-piracy group ZIRA. Last year, ZIRA – which represents local media companies – took its complaints to court, hoping to force Telegram to take a more serious approach to infringement mitigation. #tg #telegram...