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Why to use Telegram rather than whatsapp, messanger, etc.

Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging, videotelephony and voice over IP service with end-to-end encryption for secret chat only, whereas Cloud chat uses client-server/server-client encryption and its messages are stored encrypted in the Telegram Cloud.

About Security
Most apps didn't provide that much of privacy and security which is essential now-a-days. Even whatsapp is not secure for messaging, your data can be accessed by the hackers or govt. authorities if they want to get.

But telegram is the only app which provides the god level privacy & security to the user i.e the encrypted data remains between the sender and receiver, no 3rd person can access your chat history.

Features :

This is the main highlighted but unknown facility which is provided by other users to access paid apps, games, movies, webseries, etc. whatever you want you can get, for free of cost easily.

 Changeable chat THEME

• Unlimited cloud storage 
You can store any media file or document as similar to google drive at free of cost.

 In App Security
Passcode, pattern, number, fingerprint lock is available


• Hidden Chats 
• No restrictions in file size
• Inbuilt MAP facilitiy
• Access multiple account in one device and one account in multiple devices. Etc.

Varients :

Just a normal purpose telegram app for general and efficient use.

better functioning and more features then normal telegram.

a lot more than enough features for the user, and separate Folders for user, group, channel, bots, etc.

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